The Impact Of Peer Conformity On Self Adjustment In Sma Angkasa I Halim Perdana Kusuma Jakarta

Research Article
Deasy Ori Indriowati
self-adjustment, peer conformity

The purpose of this study is to provide empirical data about how much influence peer peer conformity has on adjustment at Angkasa I High School Jakarta. Self-adjustment ability is increasingly important when entering the school environment, especially for students who are entering the transition to move from middle school to high school where they begin to enter the atmosphere, environment and new friends. In this case, self-adjustment is very important in order to make it easier for students to learn optimally so that later they will achieve maximum learning achievement. For this study the researcher took samples by probability sampling by using purposive random sampling. The sample used was students of the Jakarta class X Angkasa I SMA, with 135 respondents. The results of data analysis show that peer conformity has a significant influence on self-adjustment. Based on the test results, the value of B is -0.664 with significant peer conformity variablesof 0,000 <0.05, because the Sig value is smaller than 0.05, where the results of the test can be concluded that there is an influence on the negative direction of peer conformity towards the adjustment of students of SMA Angkasa 1 Jakarta. Peer conformity contributed 19.7% to self-adjustment, while the remaining 80.3% was influenced by other variables not examined in this study.