Impact Of Social Intelligence On Peer Relationships Among Adolescents: A Gender Analysis

Research Article
Manjari Srivastava., Anjali Mathur., Anshu and Nisha Chacko
Social intelligence, Adolescents, Peer relationships

The present study was undertaken to assess the impact of social intelligence on peer relationships among adolescents.“Descriptive Research design” was adopted and the data was collected from randomly selected from various schools and colleges of Allahabad for the present study. Socio economic status of the sample was ascertained by using revised Kuppuswamy (1962) Socio Economic Status Scale revised by Kumar and Tiwari (2012) and Social Intelligence Scale developed by Chaddha and Ganesan (1971) was used to ascertain the social intelligence of college students. Social Acceptability Test developed by Chopra (1997) was used to assess the social acceptance of adolescents. The study revealed that girls possessed better social intelligence than boys. A significant correlation was seen between social intelligence and social acceptance of the female respondents whereas, the male respondents revealed a non significant impact of social intelligence on their social acceptance.