The plasma parameters like the electron temperature, electron density, ion temperature, ion density etc do not have uniform values across the plasma column in the tokamak. The properties of tokamak plasma column may be studied in detailed by investigating the spatial distribution of the parametric values of the plasmas. The electron temperature and density are assumed to have the profiles like zero order Bessel function. With this assumption the radial profiles of fractional densities of the ions and spectral emission are obtained and are studied. The radial profiles of the fractional abundance of ions are obtained for different electron temperature on the axis and are presented graphically. The profile show well shaped structure. Except neutral species, fully ionized species and all the ions show similar behavior. From the study of the intensity distribution, the temperature profile may be obtained. The radial profiles of ions are useful for knowing the fractional abundances of an impurity ion at a particular distance from the axis of the plasma column. The three dimensional presentation of impurity ions at particular axial electron temperature indicates spatial distribution of ions of interest. The radial profiles obtained for tokamak plasma show good agreement with the experimentally observed results. It may be considered that the study of radiation of impurities helps in the determination of electron temperature.