Background:-Tooth loss has detrimental effects on masticatory ability, aesthetics and nutritional status. People with tooth loss experienced more social and psychological impact on their quality of life. Potential risk factors may be older age, gender, caries, attachment loss, periodontal disease, trauma, cigarette smoking etc. Aims and Objectives:-To investigate the incidence, aetiology and consequences of tooth loss in adult population of pune city. Material and Methods:-300 subjects visiting the dental OPD of two centres were included in the study. A Questionnaire including variables such as gender, age, dental history, medical history, aetiology of tooth loss and willingness for prosthetic rehabilitation was asked. Results:-The statistical analysis showed significant association between age and tooth loss (0.0001). Dental caries was seen as the major etiological factor in maximum number of cases (55.3%) followed by periodontitis (41%) and trauma (6%). Females (n=168) were more prone to tooth loss compared to males (n=132). In this study, 42.33% of individuals had difficulty in mastication which was the most frequently observed consequence following tooth loss. Overwhelming response was observed in 96% of the patients for prosthetic rehabilitation. Conclusion: In this study, higher number of missing teeth was reported in people with low socioeconomic status and poor educational background. Oral health awareness and education programs should be conducted at the community level for every individual. Efforts to preserve more natural teeth of the ageing population should focus on the prevention and treatment of caries and periodontal diseases. The need to replace missing teeth should be carefully explained to the patient.