The present study was undertaken to elucidate the efficacy of the crude powder of Thymelaea hirsute, Sinapis arvensis, Callistemon Lanceolatus and Ambrosia martima leaves to control human schistosomiasis through disturbances in fatty acid profile of intermediate host B. alexandrina snails. Two concentration of each plants were used (LC10 and LC25) for one week. Snails treated with these plants were then collected and identification of fatty acids composition in snails tissue was carried out using gas liquid chromatography (GLC). The obtained results declared that, alteration in fatty acid profile post treatment of snail with various plant’s powder , fluctuation in reduction percent of long chain and short chain fatty acid contributions either saturated or unsaturated one and decreased in total lipid content, that lead to disturbance in physiological adaption of parasite inside the host which in turn abolish its development. Hence these plant powders can be applied as potential candidate moluscicidal with more potent effect for Callistemon Lanceolatus and Ambrosia martima at high concentration