Buruli ulcer (BU) is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium ulcerans (MU), affecting the skin, subcutaneous tissue, and sometimes the bone. The natural reservoir of the bacillus and the mode of transmission of the disease is unclear This retrospective study was set up to quantify information on the disability trends caused by Buruli ulcer using data on patients attending BU and chronic ulcer clinics from 2010 to 2012, at Vinayaka Mission Hospital at karaikal. Data was retrieved from the WHO BU1 form, case registry book, surgical theatre register, and BU patients' records book of the hospital. Disability was measured as the incapability of patients to perform one or more daily activities due to his/her state of BU disease before treatment. A total of 64 positive BU cases comprising 24 males (53.3%) were recorded of which 21 (33.6%) cases of disabilities were identified. A mean age of 52.5 (±1.32) years was recorded.. Contracture at the knee and ankle joints was the commonest disability recorded.