A pot culture experiment was conducted to study the effect of industrial effluents effect on seedling growth of Rice and Wheat crop plants. The effluent samples were collected near karambaddi and Renigunta industrial area and their results have been estimated at different time intervals 10, 20 and 30th . The results showed that the application of Pharmaceutical and battery industrial effluents at 10, 20th day as resulted significantly decreased of Rice and Wheat compared with control. But the industrial effluents affected at 30th day the both plants of Oryza sativa L. and Triticum vulgare L. seedling growth of Root and Shoot (33.62 – 53.05%) and (33.77 – 41.57%) more significantly decreased compared with control. The industrial effluents effect leads to decrease the various growth parameters such as seedling growth of the root and shoot. Industrial effluents treatment should follow the treatment methods and that treated water to use and increases the soil fertility and the high yielding of crop production.