The present paper aims at developing an efficient drainage system which would cater to the needs of people of Gondia city. Gondia city has seen rapid growth of construction in past two decades and with these changes, several problems of drainage have emerged. Future growth in population must also be considered and a drainage system is greatly required in the city to cater to the present and future demands. As study area is susceptible to high rainfall, the drainage system should also be designed to collect storm water runoff from roadway surface and right of way and convey it along and through right of way and discharge it to an adequate receiving body without causing adverse on or off site impact. In the present study the drainage system is designed as a combined system, which will serve for both Dry Weather Flow and Storm Weather Flow. The contour plan of the Gondia city has been prepared to obtain topography and has been merged with location of streets and roads. The layout of Gondia city for sewer design and alignment has been proposed using GIS technique and the same has been extended for determination of storm water discharge using rational method.