Intra Oral Approach For The Treatment Of Aggressive Fibromatosis Of Infra Temporal Region: A Rare Appearance And Novel Approach

Research Article
Vaishnavi Devi Majeti., Damera Srikanth., Aditya Mohan., Sudheer MVS and Rajasekhar G
Aggressive fibromatosis, desmoids, infratemporal region, intra oral approach

Aggressive fibromatosis a rare locally aggressive, non metastatic tumor of desmoid origin occurring in the head and neck region. An extensive tumor in the infra temporal fossa of one year duration in a 60 yr old male patient is presented here. Surgical resection of the tumor proved to be a curative treatment. Various modalities of extra oral approach to lesions of infratemporal region are mentioned in literature. Here we present the first case of removal of rare tumor through a novel intraoral approach. Recurrence nature of the tumor shows periodical review of the patient is a must.