Nd3+ doped lithium borate (LB) glasses with compositions (in mol %) (60-x) B2O3+ 20LiF + 10MgF2 + 10ZnO + xNd2O3 (where x = 0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2 mol%) were prepared by melt quenching technique and have been investigated using structural measurements, optical absorption, luminescence, and decay kinetic techniques as well as Judd–Ofelt (J–O) analysis. The structure of host glass system can be accessed from XRD and Raman graphs. For these glasses, optical absorption, emission and decay measurements were carried out. From the optical absorption spectra, the spectral intensities (fcal) of both calculated and experimental (fexp) and Judd-Ofelt intensity parameters, Ωλ (λ= 2, 4, 6) have been evaluated. From the photoluminescence spectra and using Judd-Ofelt intensity parameters, radiative transition probabilities (AR), experimental branching ratios (βexp) and stimulated emission cross-sections (σe) are calculated. The luminescence behavior of doping effect of the Nd3+ into the lithium borate glasses was discussed. To investigate luminescence efficiency of 4 I9/2 level of Nd3+ doped different lithium borate glasses, lifetimes (τexp) are predicted from decay curve analysis for all the prepared Nd3+ doped lithium borate glass matrices. Finally, these observed results were discussed and compared with the literature data and suggested for the near infrared laser applications.