Isolation, Screening Of Mastitis Causing Bacteria And Antibacterial Effect Of Poly Herbal Formulation

Research Article
Acharya Balkrishna., Hemanth Kumar M., Deeksha Kumari., Himanshi Kumari and Ashish Kumar Gupta
Mastitis, Cow, Blood, P. guajava leaves, T. foeum-graecum seeds, Antibacterial

Bovine mastitis in dairy cattle is the most devastating inflammatory reaction of udder tissue caused by invasion of bacteria. Mastitis affects the entire dairy industries badly throughout the world. Overuse of antibiotics and that followed by generation of antibiotic-resistant bacteria encourages us to search for an alternative way of treatment. Here we report screening and characterization of mastitis causing bacteria form cow blood and their remedy by using herbal extracts of Guava and Fenugreek. Miobiological and biochemical examination revealed the abundance of Gram+ve (S. aureus) and Gram–ve (E. coli, P. aeruginosa and Salmonella spp.) bacteria in mastitis infected cow blood. Antibacterial activity against these isolates was checked by using disk diffusion method at different concentrations of P. guajava leaves and T. foeum-graecum seeds herbal exbact. The present study revealed that methanolic extract of both herb displays a potent antibacterial activity (at 1000µg concentration) while aqueous extract of P. guajava leaves doesn’t show any bactericidal property. Antibacterial efficacy of methanolic extract of both herbs and aqueous extract of T. foeum[1]graecum seeds were in this order E. coli > Salmonella spp. > P. aeruginosa > S. aureus and E. coli > S. aureus > P. aeruginosa > Salmonella spp. respectively. Thus the study revealed that Guava leaves and Fenugreek seeds extracts can be a potential source to treat or blocking of bacterial pathogens which causes mastitis in cow.