Knowledge And Management Attitude Regarding Dentin Hypersensitivity Among Dental Students – A Cross Sectional Study

Research Article
Bhavya B., Ashwini S and Minnu Joe Ida
Dentine Hypersensitivity, Knowledge, Management, Dental Students

Introduction: Dentin hypersensitivity (DH) is described as a short sharp pain arising from exposed dentin, to various stimuli and that cannot be ascribed to any other dental disease. In dental education institutions, less efforts are given in providing awareness on conditions like Dentin hypersensitivity. Aim: The aim of the present study was to assess knowledge and management attitude of dental students regarding Dentin hypersensitivity. Materials and methods: The study involved students from various dental colleges in Bangalore. The following data was requested using questionnaire; socio-demographics and knowledge on triggering factor, type of pain, diagnosis, preventive and curative procedures. Results: 150 dental students participated in the study. 80.7% of the participants understood the characteristics of pain related to DH. 85.3% recognized cold as triggering factor. 90% of the participants had an idea of mechanism for pain transmission across dentin. 74% use air flow to elicit DH pain. The use of desensitizing tooth paste is the mostly chosen treatment option (84.7%) followed by professional topical application of fluoride. Conclusion: Incorporation of basic science knowledge on different types of dental pain and competencies to manage painful conditions like dentin hypersensitivity is recommended. Also, dental institutions should conduct CDE programs to meet the knowledge gap among students.