Aim: The aim is to assess the knowledge and perception among dental students regarding resorbable sutures in dental practice Objective: To prepare a questionnaire based study among dental students to assess the knowledge and perception of resorbable sutures in dental practices and to explain about the suture materials and their uses to help the dental practitioners obtain optimal wound closure Background: Suturing is one of the important clinical step for a successful implant. The evaluation of various suture materials and suturing techniques is regarded particularly important for a perfect closure of wound so as no infection can affect the prognosis of implant. Sutures were originally made of the intestines of sheep, the so called catgut. However, the majority of absorbable sutures are now made of synthetic polymer fibers, which may be braided or monofilament; these offer numerous advantages over gut sutures, notably ease of handling, low cost, low tissue reaction, consistent performance and guaranteed non-toxicity. This study aims at finding the knowledge and perception among the dental students and practitioners about resorbable sutures and its uses in dental practices. Reason: This study is done in order to assess the knowledge and perception about resorbable sutures and to create more awareness about the characteristics of the resorbable sutures and its uses.