Aim: To assess the attitude, knowledge and practice of infection control among the dental students Objective: A self administered questionnaire consisting of 17 questions will be administrated to 200 dental students. The questionnaire will also be made available online for more easy access. The data will be collected and imported to spss online software and the results will be obtained. Background: Dentists are at high risk of exposure to cross-infection with blood-borne pathogens, such as hepatitis B virus and other viruses and bacteria that colonize the oral cavity and the upper respiratory tract. This risk is enhanced by accidental injuries caused by dental instruments during patient treatment. Reason: Infections can be prevented using safety precautions and implementing infection control guidelines. Many dental patients may appear clinically healthy according to physical examination and medical history. Hence, risk management strategies or standard precautions should not be applied based on the patient’s appearance. So knowledge and practice of the infection control is very important for any dental practitioner.