Knowledge Of Primary Health Centre Services, Its Utilization And Barriers For Utilization Among Adults In Selected Areas At Mangaluru

Research Article
Anjitha Sasindran., Anusree S Suresh., Ashara Beena Thomas., Ashly John., Kiran Rao Chavan B and Devina. E Rodrigues
Parappana tank, zooplankton, cladocera, copepod, Rotifers, density

Health is a best condition for happiness and progress in the life of an individual as well as a community. Every human being is responsible for his own health. In humans it is the ability of individual or communities to adapt and self- manage when facing physical and mental and social challenges (Gulani, 2006). The World Health Organization (WHO) defines Health as its broader sense in its 1948 constitution as “a state of complete physical, mental, social and spiritual wellbeing and not merely in the absence of disease or infirmity” (Park, 2011). The Primary Health Centre is the basic structural and the functional unit of the public health services in developing countries. PHC’s were established to provide accessible and available primary health care to the people, in accordance with the Alma Ata Declaration of 1978 by the member nations of the World Health Organization (IPHS). The Medical Officer appointed to run the PHC must be a MBBS degree holder. In addition to provision of the diagnostic and curative services, the Medical Officer is the primary administrator of the PHC. The primary staff, who provide outreach services, are called ‘ASHA (Accredited Social Health Activist)’ depend on the Indian state where the PHC is located (IPHS). A non-experimental descriptive design were adopted. Data were collected from purposively selected 100 adults from Bagambilla Community, Mangaluru, using structured knowledge questionnaire. The result revealed that majority ( 68%) of adults had average knowledge, 23% had poor knowledge and 9% had good knowledge regarding Primary Health Centre Services. So the study indicates Average knowledge among adults and it varies with demographic variables.