A Low Cost And Efficient Method Of Genomic Dna Extraction From Tomato (Solanum Lycopersicum)

Research Article
Osman Basha P., Sudarsanam G., MadhuSudhan Murthy J and Reddaiah B
DNA isolation, Phenolic compounds, Solanum lycopersicum

The DNA isolation protocol we describe in the present investigation is simple, stable, adaptable, versatile, cost effective and with sufficient quality for PCR and enzymatic reactions. Here we standardized a low cost and high quality genomic DNA isolation from leaf tissues of Solanum lycopersicum as well as from medicinal plants with excluding the step of grinding the tissue using liquid nitrogen. SDS method of DNA isolation was altered at changing concentration of Tris, βmercaptoethanol, NaCl, and PVPP to attain maximum yield with less phenolic contamination. Approximately 1.5 µg to 3.5 µg of DNA concentration was attained from the standardized protocol. The purity of the isolated genomic DNA was excellent as evident by A260/A280 ratio ranging from 1.75 to 1.87. The isolated DNA is free of phenolic compounds and the quality is sufficient for PCR and restriction digestion reactions. The DNA obtained from the standardized protocol is consistent and suitable for long storage purpose as well as the protocol can be applied for high throughput DNA isolation procedures.