Ardita (Bell’spalsy) is considered as one among the eighty Vata Nanatmaja Vyadhis in Ayurveda. It can be correlated with the disease ‘Bell’s palsy. Bell’s palsy is a condition that developed; facial palsy the paralysis of facial nerve also affects the movement of facial muscles and shows similar symptoms. A 40 years old male patient approached to Panchakarma OPD who was suffering from complaints of deviated face on left side, unable to chew from right side, improper blinking of right eyes and slurred speech since 20 days. He was clinically diagnosed as Bell’s palsy and managed through Panchkarama & palliative treatment for14 days. The patient got complete relief in all symptoms with appreciable changes. Bell’s palsy can be managed by giving comprehensive management of Panchkarma and palliative treatment which reflects that it is good remedy for Bell’s palsy.