Management Of Grossly Decayed Teeth With Short Clinical Crown Using Distal Wedge Crown Lengthening Method: Case Report

Research Article
Pradeep. K, Payswi Mohata, Kanish K Gupta, Vidya Saraswathi M and Roshni Butala
Distal wedge, Crown lengthening, Grossly decayed teeth

A short clinical crown may lead to improper tooth preparation, thereby results in improper tooth preparation. The surgical crown lengthening procedure is done to increase the clinical crown length without violating the biologic width. Several techniques have been proposed for clinical crown lengthening which includes gingivectomy, apically displaced flap with or without resective osseous surgery, orthodontic extrusion and surgical extrusion using periotome. The periodontal pocket on the distal surface of molars can be extremely deep due to the anatomy of this area. When the pocket becomes deeper, that depth is larger than in other areas and the inaccessibility of the area leads to difficulty in mechanical plaque control by the patient. The distal wedge technique of crown lengthening is a periodontal procedure for removal of excessive soft issue distal to the terminal tooth in an arch. This technique eliminates pocket along with crown lengthening. This case report describes the management of grossly decayed teeth by an interdisciplinary approach. (Endoodntics and Periodontics)