The Methods For Renovating The Peers Environment And The Like From The Viewpoint Of Quran And The Hadiths

Research Article
Mostafa Ahmadi Far and Muhammad Sheibani
Moral education, peers, friend, the Quran, interpretation.

Among the various methods of moral education, the encouragement method is of a great importance. It has a significant role in the process of education, and manages and guides the educational activities. In this regard, the author of the current study has aimed at studying the educational methods with a new approach and method, based on the Holy Quran and teachings of Imam Reza (PBUH). The moral education plays a very important role in healthiness of human’s soul, and prosperity of the individuals and the society. Among the discussions of moral education, the education methods are the most important one, and the educator’s success depends on the methods he use for educating the learner (the trainee). Therefore, the riskiest and most complicated phase in moral education process is determination and identification of the method, and correctly and effectively using it. Human is a social entity, and friendship and communication are among important parts of his life. He, through friendship, learns the communication method, and friends are highly influential on him, particularly the teenage and youth friendships that make up the personality of the person. The youth and adolescence friendships, due the experiences they make, play a very important role in development of the personality. Also, these friendships are producers (creators) of wiser friendships in adolescence and growth time, which rely on attachment and trust and a remembrance of a bright and vibrant youth.