The purpose of this study was to develop a model of rolling productive lending to Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) In Zakat, Infaq and Sadaqah Agency (BAZNAS) North Sumatra. Program of BAZNAS to distribute zakat, infaq and sadaqah (ZIS), one of them through a productive revolving loan program. However, in practice the procedures that is not effective, so the purpose of the program to be able to receive a loan that has been rolling back is not fully achieved. From the results of the initial analysis in mind there are some procedures that need to be completed so that the program objectives can be achieved. This study uses research and development. From this study, it produce model of productive revolving loan, which refers to Law no. 38 1999 consisting of Conduct feasibility studies, stipulate the type of productive enterprise, guidance and counseling, conduct monitoring, control and surveillance, Conducting evaluation and reporting Making. The results of this study will be expected to be useful to the BAZNAS North Sumatra, as well as BAZNAS district/city and productive revolving loan recipients in the development of SMEs in North Sumatra in particular and Indonesia in general.