The Nodal Governance Of The Security In The Test Of The Observation On A "Sensitive" Mining Site Located In Haut-Katanga, In Drc

Research Article
Policing, nodal governance of security, coproduction, situational prevention, interaction, network

The nodal Governance of Security (GNS acronym) is an interpretative framework initiated in strong states. This research shows that this toolbox valid to explain a safety device installed even in weak states. Exclusively on the empirical level, the observation of the "mixed security" introduced in Gécamines Factories of Shituru (in Haut-Katanga Province, DRC) has used the theoretical contributions of situational prevention, interaction and network. This tool triangulation therefore allowed observing and analyzing the co-production of security through public and private policies located on a mining and industrial site in a weak state. In other words, these theoretical supports additive or complementary GNS used to observe the preventive measures adopted in the context of plural policing, exchanges between hybrid actors directly or indirectly involved in the protection of a mine site, as well as safe networks built and constantly restructured in order to adapt to the various modes of “vulnerabilization” often thought in mafia networks, called "circuits" by the observed actors.