The aim of this study is to study into the attitudes of pre-service teachers towards online learning and the factors that may affect these attitudes and to compare them in terms of different variables. This study is a descriptive survey model. The research consists of total 286 university students from five departments in the Faculty of Education. We tried to determine their dispositions, avoidances and attitudes towards online learning regarding as age, gender, and possession of technical equipment for e-learning. We applied "General Attitude Scale Towards E-learning” (GASTE) with twenty items collected under two factors such as ‘Avoidance of e-learning’ and ‘Disposition to e[1]learning’. The data obtained from participants were analysed through Statistics Programme of Social Science (SPSS 20.0).We have concluded that all of the students should be provided with easy access to computer lab to use for online courses so that online learning can be efficient and effective. Also, the learners should be allowed to make choice on whether they want to participate in an online course, or face to face course in an interactive classroom environment.