Introduction: Coronary artery disease(CAD)the leading cause of Mortality and Morbidity in middle aged women in developed and developing countries. The aim of this study was to define the clinical profile of patients with CAD in terms of risk factors, clinical presentation, angiographic characteristics and treatment recommendations for percutaneous interventions(PCI), coronary artery bypass surgery( CABG) or medical therapy. Materials&Methods: Two hundred thirty eighty (238) consecutive in-patients were enrolled. The clinical presentations of patient were categorised as stable angina, unstable angina and myocardial infarction as explained. Elective coronary angiography was performed. Based on the baseline diagnostic angiogram, each coronary lesion producing > 50% diameter stenosis in vessels > 1.5 mm was scored separately. Syntax Score was calculated using the SX-score algorithm. The angiograms were performed for chronic stable angina in 56.15%, ACS in 20%. In Univariate Analysis of SX Score no significant correlation between intermediate/high SX Score and other variables. Discussion: In this present study the mean age was 56.57 + 10.09. In western studies reported the mean age was higher as compare to other studies conducted in India. Chest pain was the most common presenting complaint in ACS patients, AWMI was the most common. 23.85% of the patients presented with intermediate / high SX score. Majority of patients 20 (15.38%) were treated with PCI and 6 (4.62%) underwent CABG. Conclusion: Post menopausal state was the commonest cardiovascular risk factor in this study. Type B Lesion is the most common .PCI is the most frequently used treatment modality.