Aim: The present in-vitro study was undertaken to evaluate the ability of White ProRoot MTA and BIODENTINE™ to seal furcation perforations In Molars using a Dye Extraction Leakage Model
Methodology: Forty-four extracted, human mandibular and maxillary first molars with minimal or no restorations and caries, and non-fused roots were collected and stored in saline until used. The molars were decoronated 3 mm above the cemento-enamel junction and the roots were amputated 3 mm below the furcation using a round disk bur using Ultimate XL (NSK) straight handpeice. A standardized access opening was made in each tooth, sticky wax was placed over the orifice of each canal, and the teeth were coated with two layers of red nail varnish. Perforation was centered between the roots using #2 carbide high-speed bur. The chamber and perforation were flushed with water and dried. Then the teeth were divided randomly into four groups. Materials were mixed according to the manufacture instructions. And
the perforations were sealed as follows: Group 1 (n = 10) and group 3 (n = 10) repaired with BIODENTINE™. Group 2 (n = 10) and group 4 (n = 10) repaired with white ProRoot MTA. Two teeth with unrepaired perforations were used as positive controls and two teeth without perforations were used as negative controls. Then teeth were kept in saline for 24 hours to ensure the complete setting of the materials. Teeth were removed from saline and placed in petri dishes. Methylene blue dye was added to the access chambers of groups 1 and 2 . Groups 2 and 4 were immersed in dye to the CEJ. All samples were stored in methylene blue for 48 hour. After removal from the dye, teeth were rinsed under tap water for 30 min and varnish removed with a polishing disc and #15 blade. Each tooth was stored in a vial containing 2 ml of concentrated (65 %) nitric acid for 3 days. Vials were centrifuged at 14,000 rpm for 5 min. then 2 ml of the supernatant layer from each sample was transferred to plastic cuvettes. Samples were read by an automatic microplate spectrophotometer ( Beckman, DU 520 ) at 550 nm using concentrated nitric acid as the blank
Result: The results showed That the mean of dye absorbance of BIODENTINE™ is less than ProRoot MTA in both Orthograde and retrograde directions. However, the statistical analysis demonstrates no significant difference in dye absorbance
Conclusion: Under the conditions of this study, white ProRoot MTA and Biodentin performed equally well as a furcation perforation repair materials. Key word: Instrumentation, Fracture load, root fracture