Objective: The present study aims at determining the physical activity and dietary habits levels among different periodontal health condition (healthy gingiva, gingivitis and periodontitis) individuals. Materials And Methods: The study was conducted among 300 people (100 healthy gingiva, 100 gingivitis and 100 periodontitis) attending the outpatient department at saveetha dental college. The data were collected in the form of questionnaire which includes demographic data, anthropometric measurements, physical activity level and dietary habits. All the 300 patients underwent periodontal health examination. Results: The mean age of healthy controls, gingivitis and periodontitis patients were 30 ± 6, 33±9, 42±11 and the mean BMI were 23.1 ±2.5, 24.1±3.2 ,24.4±3.1 respectively.68% of the periodontitis patients were found to be overweight or obese compared to 43% among the healthy controls. The mean positive responses among subjects in both physical fitness questionnaire and dietary habits questionnaire with a maximum average positive response for healthy controls and minimum average responses for periodontitis patients. The difference in the mean was also found to be significant at 5% level among the groups for both the questionnaire (p<0.001).Both age and BMI showed a significant inverse correlation with positive responses for both the questionnaire. However it was significant at 5% level only for age. Conclusion: Individuals with healthy gingiva have better physical activity and dietary lifestyle than gingivitis and periodontitis patients. Periodontitis patients have the least physical activity less healthy dietary habits. Also age and BMI are negatively correlated with the healthy dietary habits and physical activities.