The use of probiotics or beneficial bacteria, which control pathogens through a variety of mechanisms, is increasingly viewed as an alternative to antibiotic treatment, which cause attendant problems like drug residue in tissues, export rejection etc. The present study was aimed to determine the probiotic effectiveness of Bacillus sp, Lactobacillus sp and Arthrobacter sp (isolated from marine samples) on Litopenaeus vannamei culture for the prevalence of white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) under laboratory scale conditions. All the three selected isolates were included in the diet of juvenile shrimp at different combination and concentration. Two bioassays were conducted with treatments by triplicate. Based on the, Initial mean weight, Mean weight gain, FCR, DWG, Yield, Survival rate and Vibrio load, the test group T-5, where the shrimps fed with all the three different probiotic strains (Bacillus sp, Lactobacillus sp and Arthrobacter sp) incorporated feed (in the range of 5×106 cfu mL) showed significant changes in regard to the mentioned biometric parameters than other groups. In bioassay II, after 21 days of culture, the maximum shrimp survival (46%) was observed in treatment II comparatively than control (28%). The consortium of three potential beneficial probiotic bacterial consortiums didn’t eliminate the WSSV in cultured shrimps, but increase the survival rate and decrease the vibrio load in the culture systems and water.