For accomplishment of any task in an individual’s life; one’s physical health is very important. The important role of nutrition in the aspect of academic achievement cannot be ignored. The present study was undertaken to investigate that how the nutritional status affects the academic achievement of secondary school students. A total of 200 secondary school students were randomly selected from 6 different schools of Ludhiana district, Punjab. Data on dietary intake was calculated by using 3 days dietary recall method. Heights and weights were measured; marks obtained in annual examination of matriculation were used as measurement of academic achievement. The study showed that male secondary school students have more intake of proteins, carbohydrates, iron and calcium, and have more height and weight as compared to the female secondary school students. And also the study reported that the female secondary school students have higher mean scores in academic achievement as compared to their male counterparts. The coefficient of correlation between academic achievement and various nutrients were negative and not significant except for only two nutrients i.e. vitamins and calcium which were found to be significantly related to academic achievement of secondary school students. A partial relationship existed between nutritional status and academic achievement of secondary school students as concluded from the study