Review Article

Zygomatic implant, atrophic maxilla, graftless solution, edentulous maxilla, maxillectomy defect
Dental implants have been ray of hope in dental rehabilitation for last four decades. However, due to anatomical factors, implants in maxilla is always more complicated than mandible. The situation becomes undesirable when the maxilla is severely resorbed and atrophic, so various protocols such as sinus augmentation & hipbone grafts have been recommended to provide an optimal solution for this complex problem. A new implant technology was developed in 1998 to rehabilitate the upper jaw without using the bone graft. This “graft-less technique”, also called the “Zygoma technique” using the cheekbone (zygoma bone) to anchor the longer zygoma implants known as zygomatic implants was developed by Branemark as an alternative to atrophic maxilla.