Budd-Chairi Syndrome is a rare condition characterized by obstruction of venous outflow through hepatic veins which drains the liver. This is a case report of 35years female patient who developed Budd-Chairi Syndrome. Patient presented to the hospital with less haemoglobin levels (anemia), pain and swelling of the abdomen. Past history of spontaneous abortion of 1st pregnancy at 2nd month and has undergone regular ANC checkup’s. Menstrual history includes menarche at 12yrs, MH-5/30days, regular, no clots. For diagnosis, lab investigations were performed and from the obtained results it was confirmed as Budd-Chairi Syndrome. The treatment given was accordingly with anticoagulants and antibiotics and the patient was relieved from symptoms. The main intension of our work is to bring awareness among health-care professionals about the disease and its complications.