The aim of this retrospective study is to evaluats the results of healing of diabetic foot ulcers after Ampucare treatment. In this study a total of 100 patients suffering from diabetic foot ulcers were evaluated. Majority of patients were suffering from accidental injury (40%) followed by knee injury (13%), necrotizing fasciitis (10%), leg condition near to amputation (10%), peripheral vascular disease (8%), osteomyelitis (6), cellulitis (5%), abscess (4%) and neuropathy (4%). Most of the patients belonged to the category of irregular and deep floor wound categeory (28%) followed by irregular wound floor (24%), deep wound floor (19%), irregular and shallow (18%) and deep round (11%). Our results showed that 95% patients were clinically cured after treatment with Ampucare with 96.2 % healing in wound after treatment for 45 days. One important outcome of this study was that use of Ampucare for 45 days prevented amputation in 90 % patients which were near to amputation. In conclusion, Ampucare is a highly effective and safe herbal product for the treatment and management of various type of diabetic wounds.