Objectives: Prehypertension have a greater risk of developing hypertension later and risk of cardiovascular events. Cardiovascular diseases contribute to atleast of one third of deaths in India every year. The objective of this study is to evaluate the prevalence of pre-hypertension among first year medical students who are from a similar socioeconomic status, dietary habits and lifestyle. Methods: A total of 137 first year medical students were selected for this study. BP was measured using digital blood pressure (BP) monitor on three different occasions and the average was taken and also a questionnaire was obtained to assess the associated factors and other demographic details. Data were analyzed with the use of SPSS software and results were demonstrated using descriptive tables where Chi-square test and one-way analysis was used. Results: The prevalence of elevated BP (pre-hypertension and hypertension) as per JNC 7 criteria, among the medical students was 42.4 %. There was a significant association of pre-hypertension with the individual risk factor like the increased BMI, family history of diabetes mellitus, diet and stress. Conclusion: It can be concluded that in our study among healthy medical students, prevalence of prehypertension is 42.4% which is more in males than females. We have found significant correlation between BMI and SBP. These results suggest the need for routine blood pressure measurement for further evaluation.