Objectives: 1) To know the study habits of college going students of Jammu District; 2) To compare and correlate study habits of college students in context of: Age, Sex, Type of family and Area of residence (urban & rural); Method: 120 youth, in the age group of 18-22 years, were selected from rural and urban Government Colleges of Jammu District. Tools used for the study were Study Habit Inventory and Performa for Background Information. The data was statistically analyzed calculating Mean, Standard-Deviation, t-test, and Correlation. Results: The findings reveal that the Mean age of the respondents was 19 years, and they were mostly residing in nuclear families. Most of the urban respondents were studying in 2nd Semester and most of the rural respondents were in 4th Semester of their Graduate Degree Program. Most of the urban and rural respondents had ‘Very Unsatisfactory’ Study Habits. In the Urban areas significant sex differences were observed in the Study Habits. All the dimensions of Study Habits show non-significant differences with regard to sex and type of family. Only one dimension of study habits i.e. Learning Motivation, is positively related to area of residence. Conclusions: The study habits of Youth need to be improved especially among the females, for bettering their vocational and academic choices. Based on the findings suggestions for improvement of study habits have been given.