A biodiversity-based on sustainable agriculture is a potential solution for many of the problems associated with intensive, high input agriculture and for greater resilience to the environmental and socioeconomic risks that may occur in the uncertain future. To determine its contribution to ecosystem goods and services and value for society at large, and evaluate options for the sustainable use and conservation of biodiversity across the agricultural landscape. Agrobiodiversity is most likely to enhance agro ecosystem functioning when assemblages of species are added results in unique or complementary effects on ecosystem functioning by planting higher yield or pest resistance, mixing specific genotypes of crops, or including functional groups that increase nutrient inputs and cycling. Urbanization-related land-use changes and their spatial variation across the country and the impacts of urbanization and associated waste disposals, consequent shifts of soil utilization on areal soil quality. Accelerated urbanization along with explosive economic growth has further worsened the shortage of agricultural land over the last two decades. Increasing concern over land is expressed in terms of soil availability for grain production and soil quality degradation. Although conversion to urban and industrial uses took up a comparatively small share of total cultivated land loss, urbanization should still be considered as a great threat to future agricultural production for several reasons. Urbanization is increasing the risk of soil pollution through waste disposal and acid deposition derived from urban air pollution. This present study paper considers the value of agrobiodiversity for agricultural production within the context of understanding how biodiversity can be conserved in landscape and urban greening which contain mixtures of land use types and potential impacts on the agricultural biodiversity are analyzed.