The silk dye (Azo dye) waste is one of the most potential harmful chemicals liberated in the environment in an unexpected manner. Silk dye waste is widely used as a potent dyeing of yarn and fabrics in many countries and has been shown to produce some adverse health effects. The present study was undertaken to investigate the toxic effects of the silk dye waste on blood parameters. Three sets of animals i.e. Group-I (Control), Group-II (fed with 50% silk dye), Group-III (fed with 100% silk dye), have been taken for experiment. The dose of silk dye was 2ml/day to both groups II and III. The results show that the silk dye waste effluent when fed to Gr II and III mice, decreased significantly the RBC count (p<0.05,p<0.01), Hb (p<0.05) concentration, Neutrophil (p<0.05), PCV(p<0.05), MCHC(p<0.05) whereas marked increase in the WBC, Lymphocyte, MCV and MCH count (p<0.05) when compared with mice of Gr- I. This study suggested that the impact of silk dye waste was very toxic for blood parameters.