We aimed to determine changes in the hemodynamic parameters of superior mesenteric artery (SMA) with increase in age using noninvasive duplexdoppler ultrasonography. 126 apparently normal individuals in fasting state were selected for SMA Doppler ultrasonography and divided into 4 age groups, Group 1 was 15-30years age group, Group 2 was 31-45years, Group 3 was 46-60years and Group 4 >60years. Resistive index (RI), Pulsatility Index (PI), peak systolic velocity (PS) and PS/ED was recorded in each individual. Comparison of RI, systolic velocity and PS/SD between the 4 age groups shows that the mean value is highest in>60years and least in 31-45years, this difference is statistically significant. Comparison of PI shows that the mean value in 46-60years is highest and least in31-45years. This difference is statistically not significant. With increase in age the Doppler spectrum of the superior mesenteric artery shows changes, which are characterized by increased vascular resistance and decreased blood flow.