Automatic temperature regulating egg – incubator is a device which conditions an enclosure to a pre-determined temperature comparable to that of natural egg incubating temperature of 39oC. In this study an automatic temperature regulating egg – incubator had been designed and fabricated using the principles of thermoelectricity. Active and passive electronic components with special features are employed to control the incubating temperature automatically. This is aimed at solving the problem of temperature fluctuation usually experience by poultry farmers which leads to production loss. As a result incubating, egg expected to hatch within stipulated period of time fail to do so thereby subjecting the farmer to extra expenditure and powered by a 220-volt AC source is designed involving a modular approach comprising of power supply control unit, temperature controller/sensor and heating sections. When tested the portability, sensibility, reliability and simplicity of operation of the device proved the instrument as a dependable tool to farmers in the poultry production. Its workability is about 70% efficient. Automatic temperature regulator, egg-incubator thermoelectricity digital reading