Purpose: The purpose of this study has inquiry the marketing research models that built for an attempts to the market positions of competitive advantage and repurchases from the higher education’s that have leads from the perfect consumer informational, best organizational, the development of relational ship between an private institutions and consumers also the great students trust. Design/methodology/approach: The hybrid model for increasing of market position and repurchases of consumers that were conducted to inquiry with the structural equation modeling and confirmatory strategic research design. The survey was conducted among 90 undergraduates and postgraduates students enrolled in the biostatistics, custom building design and thesis course on private higher education in Jakarta. Findings: Demonstrated that our research was indicated full hybrid models with the closed fitted models p value .00, the Root Mean Square Error Approximation value was .11 > .04 and Chi-square/degree of freedom value= 816.67/394=2.07 < 5. The hypotheses results founded were confirmed with t value 6.69, 3.30 and 5.21 (best organizational, great trust influenced to market position and great trust leads to repurchase intentions) that among t value were more than 2. Future more, the result research that unconfirmed with t value 1.18 and -1.32 (well informational and development of relational institutions and customers no affected to market position) Research limitations/implications: The limitations of the data get from one institution for only bachelors and master degree, that can not to be generalize. This research was provided insight on the role of perfect consumer informational, best organizational, the relational and building great trust to confirmed market position and repurchases intentions on private Higher Education in Jakarta. Hence, these results could be use to help people by guide and inform them to repurchases and the market position to pursuit competitive advantage with the lower relative resources cost and superior relative resource-produced value condition, from the private institutions in higher education at Jakarta. Originality/value: This study confirmed the full hybrid model for increasing the competitive advantage and to repurchase of consumers on private higher education that influenced from perfect consumer informational, best organizational, the relational and great students trust in Jakarta, Indonesia