A Insomnia is a serious public health concern and is described as a subjective experience of difficulty with sleep initiation, duration, consolidation, or quality that persists despite having enough opportunities for sleep and impairs one's ability to function during the day. In terms of duration, insomnia can be acute (inability to consistently sleep well for a period of one to four weeks or less than a month), transient (symptoms last for less than a week), or chronic (symptoms remain for at least three nights per week for at least one month and are not associated with other sleep, medical, or mental disorders).Chronic insomnia is a prevalent sleeping problem that presents major treatment challenges. We present the case of a 37-year-old male patient with persistent insomnia who was treated with multiple hypnotic and psychotropic medications for 3 years with no noticeable improvement. The patient underwent treatment with integrative regimenal therapy in the form of Natūl (irrigation therapy) and Massage therapy using Roghan e Kahu (Lactuluca sativa oil). Following the intervention, the patient reported increased sleep quality and stress reduction. PSQI (Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index) showed improvement in overall sleep quality during integrated therapy sessions and thereafter. The study found that combining Natūl therapy with massage therapy can be an effective non-pharmacological treatment for chronic insomnia.