Research Article

CAD, Coronary Artery Disease; ApoAI, Apolipoprotein AI; ApoB , Apolipoprotein B; AUC, area under curve
Previously considered a cholesterol storage disease, we now view atherosclerosis as an inflammatory disorder. Lower levels of serum ApoAI and higher levels of serum ApoB and ApoB/ApoAI ratio are considered to be independent risk factors for CAD. In the present case-control study we analyzed the serum levels of apolipoproteins in a total of 600 samples which included 300 CAD patients and 300 normal healthy individuals. The results revealed significant positive associations between higher ApoB levels and ApoB/ApoAI ratio and CAD events. Logistic regression model showed ApoAI provides protection towards CAD susceptibility (OR=.979; 95% CI (.964-.995) among North-West Punjabi population. ApoB/ApoAI has highest AUC of 0.73(>0.50) (p<0.001).