Since olden days people have fascination for diamonds. Color is one of the important character in assessing the diamond value. Many of color distinctions are so subtle that they are invisible to the untrained eye; however, these distinctions make a very big difference in diamond quality and price. For grading the diamond color there are several methods available in the market have been using master set method. The master set method is expensive and time consuming. Training takes at least one week and difficult to learn. Without master set they can’t judge the gemstone. Hence, a new method -“Shadow Method” is proposed. This method is inexpensive easy to learn and requires less time. D to G color diamonds can be graded by observing smoky white shadow in between girdle and culet. If less than 30% it is come under D color diamond, 31-50% for E color diamond, 51-70% for F color diamond and 71-90% for G color diamonds.