Nutritional And Biochemical Aspects Of Poultry Feed - A Review

Research Article
Keerthana M and Renuka R
Poultry feed, probiotics, NGFs, AMPs, supplements.

In poultry production, feed represents the major cost factor and it also determines the rate of the growth of chicks and also their nutritional status. The poultry feed contains plant protein sources, cereal grains, fats, animal by-products, vitamin and mineral supplements, antibiotics and feed additives. They are usually assembled on a least cost basis taking into consideration their nutritive properties as well. The present review describes the various essential growth promoters and novel feed supplements. Natural medicinal products are also ideal feed additives and are gaining their popularity nowadays. Poultry feed must be formulated such that it must provide all the nutrients necessary for growth and also disease resistant constituents like probiotics, Natural Growth Factors (NGFs) and Anti- Microbial Peptides (AMPs) which are naturally available with less side effects.