The information seeking behaviour of the present day post graduate students have transformed rapidly thanks to the penetration of ICT tools and techniques in their information seeking, searching, accessing, disseminating and strong information. The present study aims at understanding the online information seeking behaviour of Research Scholars School of mathematics in Periyar University, Salem. Out of 100 questionnaires randomly distributed to the respondents, 90 duly filled in questionnaires were received and taken to the analysis. The study reveals that: Majority of the respondents were male. A majority of the students belongs to the Mathematics Department. 36(40%) respondents visit the library daily. While 17(19%) respondents visit the library once a week, 11(12%) respondents visit the library once a month. 43 (48%) respondents use search engines to get information in Internet. 30(33%) respondents use Textbooks followed by 24(27%) respondents using newspapers and 17 (19%) respondents using E-books in the library. 33(37%) respondents each opined that their level of satisfaction on online resources available in the library is ‘Satisfied’ and ‘Good’. 28(32%) respondents use Wikipedia followed by 20(22%) respondents using various ejournals.