pathophysiology of knee osteoarthritis and importance of quadriceps strengthening in rehabilitation

Research Article
*Jayanta Nath and Kabul Chandra Saikia
knee osteoarthritis, pathophysiology of knee osteoarthritis, quadriceps strength

Knee osteoarthritis is the most common degenerative disease affecting about 17% people age over 45 and 40% of people age over 65.

The purpose of this article is to understand the role of quadriceps muscles and pathophysiology behind the development of knee osteoarthritis.

Knowing pathophysiology is very important for effective management of condition. Quadriceps muscles play an important role in pathogenesis of knee OA.Greater quadriceps strength is associated with lower risk for development of tibiofemoral OA.

So this research aim to discuss various pathophysiological mechanism for OA and how quadriceps strength is important for management of condition.