The study determined perceived factors affecting the level of awareness of indigenous peoplecentered Early Warning Systems (EWS) in the selected coastline communities in Camarines Sur. The researcher used descriptive method and structured survey questionnaire was employed to determine the level of awareness of the household communities in selected municipalities in Camarines Sur. The results of the study on the perceived factors on EWS along behavioral. The results showed that: Listening to advisories was ranked first, with a mean rating of 3.28; social acceptability on the use of traditional early warning system, ranked as second, with a mean rating of 3.03; observance of members’ action on the practice of traditional EWS, ranked third, with a mean rating of 3.01; and observance and practices on the use of EWS, ranked fourth, with the mean rating of 3.00. The results on the perceived factors on EWS along cultural showed that the communities rely on spiritual devotion to saints for their safety which ranked first, with a mean rating of 3.38; perform spiritual sacrifices for the provision of rains, which ranked as second, with a mean rating of 2.69; offering of goods “alay” in exchange of a sunny weather, ranked third, with a mean rating of 2.60; and transmit early warning communications by the use of smoke, which ranked fourth, with the mean rating of 2.41. The results of the study on the perceived factors on EWS along economic showed that repair of dwellings in case of impending disaster ranked first, with a mean rating of 3.43, observance preparedness by buying first aid/emergency kit, ranked as second, with a mean rating of 3.37, buying of buffer goods and other primary commodities, ranked third, with a mean rating of 3.38, and property rehabilitation through insurance, ranked fourth, with the mean rating of 2.98.