Precise visualization and classification of human oocytes or embryos is an important prerequisite for a number of clinical trials. The purpose of this paper is to enhance embryo features such as circular shape of the blastomere structures with the eventual goal of blastomere segmentation. Paperdescribes a method for the detection blastomere and evenly / unevenly localization in cleavage stage human embryo via image processing. Boundaries or ridges of blastomeres are first extracted by Hessian-based ridge detector followed by nonmaxima suppression and hysteresis thresholding. Based on the acquired boundaries or the ridges, Hough circle transform is implemented to detect the presence of oocytes/embryos with consideration of boundary orientation. Then, screening algorithm is used to verify the detected embryo cells circles. Finally, the location of validated cells is approximated with circles and ellipses. The multiscale second order local structure of an image (Hessian) is examined with the purpose of developing a vesselenhancementfilter