Pharmacological And Phytochemical Evaluation Of Udarda Prashamana Mahakshaya

Research Article
Sheetal Verma and Vishal Verma
Udarda Prashamana Mahakshaya, Udarda, Sheetapitta, Kushthaghana

Udarda Prashamana Mahakshaya is a multi-herb decoction which contains ten important herbs in equal quantity. The present study provides updated information on its phytochemical analysis and pharmacological properties. The phytochemical analysis of the Kshaya revealed the presence of Alkaloid, Carbohydrate, Starch, Proteins, Tannin and Resin. The decoction have Tridoshaghana action mainly Kapha-pittahara along with Rakta Prasadana, Kushthaghana, Shothahara etc. The physiochemical properties of Kshaya showed Loss on Drying at 1050C – 12.0%, Total solid – 88.0%, Total Ash – 9.5%, Acid insoluble Ash – 1.0%, Water Soluble Extractive – 9.6%, Alcohol Soluble Extractives – 6.0% and pH – 6.87. Microscopic study showed yellowish Brown patches of cells, prismatic calcium oxalate crystals, leaf surface with stomatal cells and fiber cells major contents as per claim are present and have been identified through TLC.