The main aim of this study was to evaluate the incidence of ADRs, the patients who are receiving or taking antihypertensive medications. ADR monitoring is an important part of post marketing surveillance which helps in generating data safety of medications. Main aim to ADRs monitoring is to the promoting rational use of drugs, safe use of medicines improving patient care, improving public health. This was a prospective, observational, voluntary reporting study. Study was conducted in and around Coimbatore. Samples are collected in all age group. We are taken support of ‘Suspected Adverse Drug Reaction Reporting form from IPC to collect samples. A total of 34 adverse drug reactions were observed in hypertensive patients during the 3 months study. A high percentage of adverse drug reaction occurred in middle age and female patients. Combination therapy was high occurrence of adverse drug reaction as compared to immunotherapy. Cardiovascular adverse drug reactions constituted a major component, followed by gastrointestinal and respiratory complaints. Beta-blockers were the drug category associated with majority of adverse drug reaction, followed by angiotensin. The present evaluation has revealed opportunities or interventions especially or avoidable ADRs which will help in promoting safer drug use, information to the healthcare professionals. Improve the quality of patient care and educate to increase awareness.