The aim of the research was to examine the preferences of Apis cerana on flower colors (purple, white, yellow and red) and type of sugar (sugar sucrose, sugarcane juice and palm sap). The hypothesis of this research was that A. cerana chose different preferences on flower colors and sources of sugar. A total synthetic flowers used on this study were 120 flowers. The observations of bees visiting the flowers were conducted at The Laboratory of Animal Husbandry, Faculty of Agriculture, Bengkulu University in Bengkulu and in Kepahiang District, Bengkulu Province. Nectars provided three kinds of resources: of sugar sucrose, sugarcane juice and palm sap that were designed as factorial ANOVA of 4x3 with 10 replications for each treatment. The synthetic flowers being inserted by sugar sucrose, sugarcane juice and palm sap were served to be chosen by the A. cerana worker bees. The results suggested that there is no significant result of A. cerana visiting different colors of flower, but the purple flower color likely was visited more than white, yellow and red color, while palm sap was visited significantly the most than sugar or sugarcane. It meant that A. cerana in Bengkulu had no preference of flower colors but selectively choose on sources of nectar