Preliminary Survey Of Angiosperm Flora Of Selected Area Of Agastheeswaram Taluk, Kanyakumari District, Southern India

Research Article
Jerlin Deletta. G and Parthipan B
Angiosperm flora, Floral diversity, Agastheeswaram taluk

The present study was aimed to explore the plant diversity wealth of Agastheeswaram Taluk, which is yet to be botanized to make the flora of Kanyakumari complete. The result of plant diversity of Agastheeswaram taluk 610 species of flowering plants, 367 genera belonging to 101 families and 37 orders under 8 clades /groups were documented. Among the 610 species, 483 species belongs to dicotyledons and 127 species belongs to monocotyledons. The dominant clade is Rosides (230 species from 128 genera) followed by Asterids (187 species from 124 genera), Monocots (127 species from 71 genera), Superasterids (50 species from 31 genera). The most dominant family in the present study area is Fabaceae with 100 species. Next to that Poaceae (59 species), cyperaceae (34 species). The dominant genera is Cyperus (14 species) followed by Senna (11 species), Ipomoea (10 species). The dominant habit of plant species is herbs (326 species) followed by shrubs (135 species), climbers (78 species) and trees (71 species). The most dominant habitat of the plant species are terrestrial plants 299 species followed by wetland plants (130 species), emergent amphibious hydrophytes (80 species). It will be helpful and serve for the conservation and sustainable utilization of plant resources of the study area.