Preparation Of Bread And Cookies From Sorghum Flour

Research Article
Chavan U. D., Yewale K. V and Dayakar Rao B
Sorghum, bread, cookies, nankatai, maida

The present investigation was undertaken to study the effects of incorporation of sorghum flour on organoleptic and nutritional properties of bread and nankatai. The experiment was laid in factorial completely randomized design with six treatments (0, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50% sorghum flour incorporation with wheat maida) and with five replications. The observations on organoleptic and nutritional properties were recorded and presented in this manuscript. The content of nutrients like crude protein, ash, crude fiber, soluble protein and total sugar of maida, sorghum flour, bread and nankatai were determined. Sorghum protein is superior to wheat protein in biological value and digestibility. Sorghum is totally free from gluten contains, more fibre and micronutrients. Bakery products namely bread and nankatai were prepared by using flour blends of wheat maida and sorghum flour. Excellent quality bread and nankatai were produced by substituting 20 and 30 per cent sorghum flour to wheat maida, respectively. It was observed that the organoleptic properties of bread and nankatai decresed with increase in proportion of sorghum flour. But nutritional properties of bread and nankatai were increased in respect of ash, crude fiber and total sugar with increase in proportion of sorghum flour. Addition of sorghum flour more than 20% in bread and more than 30% in nankatai preparation indicated that the sensory properties such as colour and appearance, flavour, texture, taste and overall acceptability decreased drastically. The overall results indicated that the positive response of sorghum flour substitution to wheat maida up to 20 and 30 per cent level in preparation for bread and nankatai respectively.